Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dark Moon Libra

Dark Moon in Libra

.opens our social ability, brings a friendly, egalitarian vibe and encourages us to connect.

Any and all vibrations of Libra are the manifestation of Beauty.

Time to:

seek justice, romance, meet, approach, create, beautify, find our core balance and balance our needs with others.

Those born under a Libra Moon are peacemakers, that sometimes lose sight of figuring themselves in the equation.

Walk in Beauty, Honor our gifts and opportunities for exchange, remembering “that compassion is the radical understanding of the lack of understanding.”

This quite simply moves us or reveals to us a level of awareness that is not

impeded by judgment within your awareness of the spiritual immaturity of another. This work is not for wimps. Courage to face the unknown and our fears is required.

The inner work manifests MBOs by consciously releasing the mental and emotional toxins that build up when ignored or overlooked. (More Benevolent Outcomes)

Sacred Evolutionary Activism invites us to engage the shift of ages by disarming the landminds of conflicts in our own minds....

the act of making All things sacred comes to those that are spiritually mature and consciously ready to take it on.

Let us now give recognition to the fact that all forgiveness is self forgiveness, the removal of our own emotional toxins. Great things happen when we embrace forgiveness at deeper levels such as the strengthening of our desire and ability “to walk a mile in the moccassins of another”. We become vulnerable and humble enough to reflect the adversity/inner conflict ...in order for it to be healed.

Doing the inner work leads to right action”....”One with God is the majority”

Wisdoms from a holistic /shamanic point of view then reveals the doorways to ritual ! “Just as our bodies can't survive without nourishment, our psyches cannot sustain themselves without symbolism....a key element of ritual is symbolism.” The primary tool of spiritual technology for the cultural activist is also very noticeably...symbols.

So what is ritual?

Malidoma Some defines ritual as...”any and every time a gathering of people, under the protection of Spirit, triggers a body of emotional energy aimed at bringing them very tightly together, a ritual of one type or another is in effect. In this kind of gathering, people primarily use nonverbal means of interacting with one another, thereby stimulating the life of the psyche.”

There are two major parts to most ritual, one part is planned around the space, geography and other logistics of the ritual and the other... is moved by Spirit.

This unplanned element of the ritual, activating the Sacred, is spontaneous, most times unpredictable, but definitely a level of interaction with Source energy. “It is a response to a call from a nonhuman source to commune with a larger horizon. It is like a journey. Before you started, you own the journey. After you start, the journey owns you.”

This dark Moon in Libra calls each of us to re-calibrate the scale, bringing balance to the equation of our destiny. “No matter what happens in our past-the elevation of our consciousness, releases the metal and emotional toxins by choice! In this time and season of transformation of our world reality, it is imperative that we make new/different choices. Choices for champs, rather than chumps!

The Evolutionary Manifesto, penned by John Stewart, a member of the Evolution, Complexity and Cognition Research Group from the Free University, amplifies and emphasizes that the current phase of evolution we are experiencing should and is being driven intentionally by humanity. John's point is well made in the 34 page document is to anything less is the demise of a failed evolutionary experiment.

In each moment, we are evolving, eyes and heart wide open, in the absolute priviledge and gratitude for witnessing and participating in the universe's conspiracy to move us all to our Highest potential and collective destiny....”That would be here, that would be us and that would be now”.

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